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Week 2 - OnCanvas Alignment Guides


Adding Toggles

This week started with me trying to add alignment snapping toggles to Inkscape. This took some time as at first I could not figure out how Gio::Actions are set up but finally by following how other toggles were implemented I was able to get this to work.

In the present state of the MR the following toggles exist:

  • Toggle Alignment Snapping option in Snap Controllers Toolbar

    • Toggle snapping to other nodes in the same path while editing paths as a sub-option
    • Snapping to page corners and midpoint if Toggle Snapping to Page Border option is enabled

Icons for these still need to be designed.

Bug Fixes

Last week there was a bug where the nodes of the object being transformed were also being snapped. This was an easy fix by just passing the Bounding Box points as Snap Source points in Seltrans and adding some toggle checks.

Snap Priority

It is highly probable that when we look for potential snap positions, an alignment snap positon is the closest. This can be annoying when you are trying to snap to other locations (a corner for example). To fix this I modified the SnappedPoint::findBestSnap() function to give priority to all other snap locations over Alignment Snap positions.


While aligment snapping, looking for all the items in the document can be resource intensive. Hence its makes sense to only look for items that are currently visible in the viewport. This reduces the number of points we need to check and also enhances the UX as you will no longer snap to an object you can not see in the viewport.


Constraint movements are pretty useful and Alignment Snapping now takes them into account. While Ctrl is pressed the object only moves in either Horizontal or Vertical direction. If the object is being moved in the Y direction, it will not snap to alignment guides that are vertical. Similarly if it is being moved in X direction, it will not snap to Horizontal guides.

Horizontal and Vertical Lines

Objects will now snap to points of intersection of two alignment guides. Hence you can now simultaneously align objects vertically and horizontally with respect to two neighbouring objects.

Snap Indicators

With the work of actually finding and snapping to alignment locations almost done, this week I also started looking into the implementation of SnapIndicator class. The behaviour of Alignment Snap Indicators is very different from that of the conventional Snap Indicators in Inkscape, in that the alignment indicators disappear when an object is ungrabbed and opposed to other snap indicators that have a set lifetime.

Next Up

Next week I will look into better understanding how canvas works in Inkscape and try to figure out a nice way to display the Alignment Indicators that behave as described above.